Special Investigations Illicit Marijuana

Formed in late 2018, the Special Investigations Illicit Marijuana (SIIM) is staffed by 12 investigative agents and one analyst. The SIIM has four primary objectives: 

  • Expand local law enforcement’s ability – specifically in rural jurisdictions of Colorado – to address, investigate and prevent the cultivation, distribution and exportation of illicit marijuana
  • Ensure the quality of life of Colorado residents and visitors
  • Protect the legal and regulated marijuana industry
  • Protect the environment from harmful and illegal growing operations that cause destructive and permanent damage 


The SIIM does not respond to requests for assistance from the general public.  Those calls should be directed to local law enforcement agencies in the appropriate jurisdiction.

SIIM Grand Junction

Agent in Charge: Brooks Bennett 
Phone Number: 970-248-7500
Fax Number: (970) 248-7464
Email: cbi.grandjunction@state.co.us

SIIM Pueblo

Agent in Charge: Kevin Torres
Phone Number: 719-647-5999
Fax Number: (719) 547-2183
Email: cbi.pueblo@state.co.us

SIIM Denver

Agent in Charge: Matthew Stoneberger
Phone Number: 303-239-4211
Fax Number: (303) 239-5788
Email: cbi.denver@state.co.us