Court Order Sealing of Arrests

Information regarding a standard order to seal and special order to seal in the state of Colorado.

Sending Court Orders to Seal to the CBI

  • Email:  cdps_cbi_ident_seal@state.co.us
  • Fax:  303-239-4405 Attn: Seals
  • Mailing Address:
    • Biometric Identification and Records Unit
      Colorado Bureau of Investigation
      690 Kipling St., Ste. 4000
      Lakewood, CO 80215
  • In Person:  
    • 690 Kipling St.
      Lakewood, CO 80215

Payment: Effective July 1, 2024, CBI no longer takes a fee for sealing.  All other court fees are still in effect.

Colorado State Statutes and Links

A person may petition the court to seal his/her own records by filing a petition with the District/County/Muni court where the arrest and/or criminal records are filed. Please review Colorado State Statute (C.R.S.) 24-72-703 to see the qualification for sealing a record.

For more information regarding obtaining a court order for the purpose of sealing a Colorado Criminal History Record, contact the court where the criminal records were filed or visit the Self-Help Forms section at the Colorado Judicial Branch website. Instructions and associated forms are available there under Self-Help Category – Criminal Matters and Subcategory – Seal My Case.

These are the current sealing statutes:

1. C.R.S. 24-72-704: Sealing of arrest records when no charges are filed.

2. C.R.S. 24-72-705: Sealing criminal justice records other than convictions - simplified process.

3. C.R.S. 24-72-706: Sealing of criminal conviction records.

4. C.R.S. 24-72-707: Sealing of criminal conviction records information for offenses committed by victims of human trafficking.

5. C.R.S. 24-72-708: Sealing of criminal conviction records information for municipal offenses for convictions.

6. C.R.S. 24-72-709: Sealing of criminal conviction records information for multiple conviction records.

7. C.R.S. 24-72-710: Sealing of criminal conviction records information for offenses that receive a full and unconditional pardon.

You can access these through the Colorado General Assembly's website. Once in LexisNexis, you can search each statute for more information.