The disposition of a charge means the end result of what happened with all charges filed in court.
If disposition information is not included on the Colorado Criminal History Record Information (CHRI), or if the report shows "disposition unknown," contact the appropriate court to obtain a copy of the disposition. If the case never went to court, or if the agency is stating they have no record or have purged the record, they must provide on letterhead a letter stating as such. The CBI requires letters from the arresting agency, the Municipal Court of the arresting agency, and the District Court of the agency. All 3 letters must be provided to CBI at the same time.
To update the Colorado Colorado Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) with disposition information, please send a copy of the court disposition by:
Email: cdps_cbi_dispos@
Fax: 303-239-4405
Mail: Biometric Identification and Records Unit
Colorado Bureau of Investigation
690 Kipling St., Ste. 4000
Lakewood, CO 80215