Forensic Training

If you have questions about Forensic training, please contact Shanley Garrett at shanley.garrett@state.co.us

The CBI Crime Scene Unit provides various types of training throughout the year. Please go to Crime Scene Training for current classes and dates. 

The following training opportunities are limited to individuals who are employed by or contracted with a publicly-funded criminal justice agency within the state of Colorado.

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation Forensic Services proudly provides the following training opportunities


Processing of Property Crime Scenes

Course Description: Property crimes make up a large percentage of crimes in Colorado. Latent print evidence can often be overlooked in these types of cases. In this 2-hour course, the instructors will provide hands-on training of latent print processing skills along with introducing some advanced techniques to improve evidentiary results when processing property crimes.

Who should attend: This course is intended for personnel tasked with the collection, packaging, and submission of property crime scene evidence.

Courses Scheduled: None at this time. To be notified when the next course becomes available, please complete the following form:

Training Interest 

If you have additional questions, contact Quality Manager Shanley Garrett at shanley.garrett@state.co.us  



NEW**Fire Debris Collection, Packaging and Reporting

Course Description: This 4-hour course will discuss collection, packaging and preservation of fire debris, liquid evidence, clothing items, soil, biohazards and the collection of comparison samples as well as a brief overview of how each evidence type is handled in the laboratory. We will also discuss how to interpret laboratory reports and what information the report provides. Additional topics may be covered as time allows. 

Who Should Attend: This course is intended for fire investigators, police officers, or law enforcement personnel tasked with the collection, packaging and submission of fire debris evidence.


Courses Scheduled: None at this time. To be notified when the next course becomes available, please complete the following form:

Training Interest 

If you have additional questions, contact Quality Manager Shanley Garrett at shanley.garrett@state.co.us  



DNA/Serology 101 and STRmix

Course Description: This 2-hour course includes discussion on: serology (body fluids and trace DNA); DNA testing and interpretation (autosomal and YSTR testing); statistical analysis of DNA results including STRmix; results and reporting; CODIS; and preparation for testimony prior to trial. 

Who should attend: This course is intended for attorneys who will be requiring expert witness testimony to serology and/or DNA results.  


Courses Scheduled: None at this time. To be notified when the next course becomes available, please complete the following form:

Training Interest 

If you have additional questions, contact Quality Manager Shanley Garrett at shanley.garrett@state.co.us  



NEW** 8 Hour Comprehensive Course

Course Description: This 8-hour course will include Fire Debris/Trace evidence, DNA/STRmix 101, Toxicology and Property Crime Processing. We will discuss collection, packaging and preservation as well as a brief overview of how each evidence type is handled in the laboratory. We will also review how to interpret laboratory reports and what information the report provides.  

Who Should Attend: This course is intended for fire investigators, police officers, District Attorney's or personnel tasked with the collection, packaging and submission of these types of evidence.


Courses Scheduled: None at this time. To be notified when the next course becomes available, please complete the following form:

Training Interest 

If you have additional questions, contact Quality Manager Shanley Garrett at shanley.garrett@state.co.us