Forensic Services

CBI Forensic Services is responsible for the preservation and analysis of evidence found at a crime scene. Our dedicated forensic scientists will work with each and every agency in order to provide timely and accurate results.

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CBI Investigations and Crime Scenes

Available Laboratory Services:

Digital Evidence Analysis

The analysis of computer hard drives, thumb drives, cell phones and any other data storage devices.

DNA Database

The Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) database section analyzes offender samples and maintains the state DNA index system.

DNA Database

Drug Chemistry

This unit conducts the analysis of cannabis and all controlled substances.



The analysis of a specific weapon/tool/ammunition and the subsequent comparison to the evidence found at the crime scene.  This section utilizes and maintains the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN) database.



The analysis of shoes/tires and the subsequent comparison to the shoe/tire tracks found at the crime scene.

Biological Sciences (Forensic Biology/DNA)

The analysis of body fluids for the presence of genetic material used for identification purposes.  This section develops DNA profiles utilizing STR and YSTR technology, and then performs interpretations and comparisons.  In addition, the analysts enter eligible DNA profiles from evidence samples into CODIS.

DNA casework and CODIS

Latent Prints

The analysis of fingerprints found at the crime scene and the subsequent comparison to the fingerprints of an individual.  This section utilizes and maintains the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) database.


The chemical analysis of biological fluids for the presence of drugs.


Trace Chemistry

The analysis of substances that do not fall under Drug Chemistry such as fire debris and gunshot residue.  Additionally, this section is responsible for the analysis of wood, fibers, paints, tapes, airbag residues, polymers, metal fragments and other unknown materials.