Sex Offender Registration Training - For Law Enforcement Only

All classes are listed in the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Saba Learning Catalog and a Saba account is required for registration.  Employees of criminal justice agencies may use this instruction guide for information on registering or view the instruction guide for registration included below.  Saba accounts need to be created by the individual person who will attend the class, and may not be created under an agency name to hold a slot for the agency.  

Upcoming Sex Offender Registration Training Classes

Please note: 

These training classes will include training on House Bill 2021-1064 regarding changes to juvenile sex offender registration. 






New Sex Offender Registration Training Classes for 2025.





Hosting Agency:  Logan County Sheriff's Office


Location:  Logan County Sheriff's Office, 110 North Riverview Road, Sterling, CO, 80751.  Lots of parking is available.  Enter the building through the Sheriff's Office side, not the court side.  


Date/Time:  Wednesday, March 26, 2025, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


There are 40 seats available for this training class.  Those that register after the first 40 people will be placed on a waiting list.  CBI will provide a light breakfast and afternoon snacks.  A one hour lunch will be on your own.  


Materials to write on will NOT be provided for you in class.  If you wish to have copies of the PowerPoint to take notes on, you must go to the CJIS Portal website and print them out to bring with you to class. The website is ccicportal.state.co.us.  Click on CJIS Documents, Sex Offender Registration, and Sex Offender Registration Training.  Use your OSN and OpenFox password to log in. You will need 4 different PowerPoints for the training:  Statutes, Messenger, COSOR Module and SVP Community Notification.  All are titled with "Training 20xx (current year) classes" in the title.  You can choose either 2 or 3 slides per page, depending on your preference.  


BEFORE REGISTRATION:  Read the Saba Account Registration for CBI Training user guide below.  You MUST have a Saba account before you may register for the training class!


Register for the class hosted by the Logan County Sheriff's Office.





Hosting Agency:  Vail Police Department


Location:   Grandview Room, 350 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO, 81657.  Parking will be free for all attendees, as it is attached to a town parking structure.  Vail Mountain closes on 4/20, so there should be minimal traffic, as well.      


Date/Time:  Tuesday, March 22, 2025 from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 


There are 40 seats available for this training class.  Those that register after the first 40 people will be placed on a waiting list.  CBI will provide a light breakfast and afternoon snacks.  A one hour lunch will be on your own.  The Castle Rock Public Safety Training Facility includes a kitchen area with use of refrigerator and microwaves.    


Materials to write on will NOT be provided for you in class.  If you wish to have copies of the PowerPoint to take notes on, you must go to the CJIS Portal website and print them out to bring with you to class. The website is ccicportal.state.co.us.  Click on CJIS Documents, Sex Offender Registration, and Sex Offender Registration Training.  Use your OSN and OpenFox password to log in. You will need 4 different PowerPoints for the training:  Statutes, Messenger, COSOR Module and SVP Community Notification.  All are titled with "Training 20xx (current year) classes" in the title.  You can choose either 2 or 3 slides per page, depending on your preference.  


BEFORE REGISTRATION:  Read the Saba Account Registration for CBI Training user guide below.  You MUST have a Saba account before you may register for the training class!


Register for the class hosted by the Vail Police Department.





Hosting Agency:  Prowers County Sheriff's Office


Location:  Prowers County Fairgrounds Home Ec. Building, 2206 Saddle Club Drive, Lamar, CO, 81052.  Parking is plentiful.  


Hotel Info:  The Tavern is a great hotel with a restaurant, pool, hot tub, and a Scooter's Coffee in the parking lot.  Other options are Cobblestone Hotel, Holiday Inn, and Days Inn, in the same vicinity.    


Date/Time:  Thursday, May 22, 2025, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM


There are 50 seats available for this training class.  Those that register after the first 50 people will be placed on a waiting list.  CBI will provide a light breakfast and afternoon snacks.  A one hour lunch will be on your own.  


Materials to write on will NOT be provided for you in class.  If you wish to have copies of the PowerPoint to take notes on, you must go to the CJIS Portal website and print them out to bring with you to class. The website is ccicportal.state.co.us.  Click on CJIS Documents, Sex Offender Registration, and Sex Offender Registration Training.  Use your OSN and OpenFox password to log in. You will need 5 different PowerPoints for the training:  Statutes, Messenger, COSOR Module and SVP Community Notification.  All are titled with "Training 20xx (current year) classes" in the title.  You can choose either 2 or 3 slides per page, depending on your preference.  The final PowerPoint is titled "US Marshals SOR Presentation - CBI 2025".    


BEFORE REGISTRATION:  Read the Saba Account Registration for CBI Training user guide below.  You MUST have a Saba account before you may register for the training class!


Register for the class hosted by the Prowers County Sheriff's Office.




CBI has received Adam Walsh Act Grant funds to provide 12 training classes in 2025.  Grant funds were obtained to offer training classes for 3 years (2023-2025).    


File: Saba Account Registration for CBI Training (PDF)

If you have any questions about upcoming training sessions, please feel free to contact Kristie.Mahler@state.co.us.  



Description of the Training - CBI Sex Offender Registration and SVP Community Notification Training

The CBI, working in conjunction with the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB), offers Sex Offender Registration and Sexually Violent Predator Community Notification training for law enforcement agency personnel involved in the sex offender registration process.  This class is offered free of charge and is open to all personnel who work with or are involved in sex offender management and registration and/or sexually violent predator community notification training and meetings.  Parole and probation are also encouraged to attend.  This training is offered many times throughout the state in a given year, so you may wish to wait for a training class scheduled near you.  

Hosted by:  This training is hosted by various local law enforcement agencies in a given year.  

Class details:  The morning session includes training developed by the CBI and will be a full four hours.  It will include sex offender basics, Colorado sex offender statute information, Messenger training and COSOR Module training.  The SOMB will end the day presenting training on:

  • National and State Legislation regarding sexual offenders
  • Statistics and Characteristics of sexual offenders
  • Sex Offender Management and Containment in the community
  • How to conduct community notification
  • Changes to the Criteria and Protocol book

Presenter:  The CBI and SOMB are proud to announce that through grant funding, this training will be conducted by a retired Denver Police Department Detective with over 31 years of law enforcement experience and 13 years experience working with registered sex offenders.  

It is recommended for the first session you have at least rudimentary knowledge of Messenger and the COSOR Module.  As a reminder, this training is for criminal justice personnel only!