Biometric Identification and Records Unit



The Biometric Identification and Records Unit (BIRU) of the CBI supports law enforcement agencies as well as the public. It is the responsibility of this unit to maintain and update all information stored in the Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) used in the identification of fingerprints and the Colorado Crime Information Center (CCIC) which houses all fingerprint based Colorado Criminal History Record Information (CHRI) records. Colorado is an open records state and this information is available to the public.



Based on 2017 legislation, the state has launched the Colorado Applicant Background Services (CABS) program to increase the number of locations where people can obtain civil fingerprints for background checks for Colorado's over 70 professions requiring licensing.

Two vendors, IdentoGO, and Colorado Fingerprinting, have agreed to provide sites - including mobile locations - across Colorado where citizens can obtain their fingerprints for background check purposes. The fingerprints will be directly submitted to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) for processing. Both vendors are currently offering fingerprinting services across Colorado.

For a list of locations (including mobile sites), costs, hours of operation, and other details about the process, please contact IdentoGO and/or Colorado Fingerprinting for more information. The vendors are working directly with licensing agencies so they can share the process with individuals who require fingerprints for background checks.

While many Colorado law enforcement agencies will continue to provide fingerprinting services for citizens for licensing purposes, many other police departments and sheriff's offices are opting to transition this process to the two vendors identified for the CABS program.

The CABS program will not impact the way the results of the background checks are currently returned. All background check results will continue to be delivered to the licensing agency via the CBI's Secure Document Delivery System (SDDS) as they are today.

The CBI received approximately 200,000 fingerprint-based background check requests for professions such as Realtors, daycare providers, teachers, and many others last year.

Colorado joins several other states that are already using third party vendors to offer fingerprinting services for citizens in need of licensing for a variety of professions.


Phone: (303) 239-4208 

Fax: (303) 239-5858